Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chapter 1: Aware

Are you awake?  Are you aware?  Are you ready?  Moments come and go.  Do you have what it takes in you to go?  I think you do.  I think we just get comfortable and forget that life is living.  Sometimes we just need to take that first step of courage so we can be encouraged.  Catch up with where life is going!

I was caught up in the air when we were asked to perform on a southwest flight.  Why not?  Why not share the song that is on your heart?  Why not talk to the person next to you and get to know them?  

As an artist I want to always be aware.  I want to document it in creativity.  That's why I took my camera on the flight.  So I can get pictures like this above Salt Lake City and then publish it.

   Last night I saw the sky turning pink and so I hopped in my car and headed to an open field.  The grass was high and the sky was getting dark.  I got my photo but I lost my keys, in the middle of that dark big grassy field.

So the next day I asked my neighbors if they'd help me go look for them.  

Like a good neighbor, they found my keys.  

One last plug.  Check out my bands new CD cover.  

Follow this stuff when it happens and converse with me bout it on my facebook.  Sometimes I ask a question.  And that wasn't a pickup line.  Why, did it work?  I also post a picture of the day if I take one. Sometimes it's just me wearing a wig though.

Oh yea and guess what?  My Dad doesn't have a cat anymore.  Guess what he has?  Here's a hint: it likes to lick his nostrils. 


  1. What cute neighbors you have! I love that line --"Like a good neighbor, they found my keys." Ok, now that song is stuck in our heads again...

  2. He has a fart! Your dad's brewin' another one, isn't he!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. He has a pig? Wait does the animal like to lick it's own nostrils or your dads nostrils? Love Tidal Wave. I have listened to it several times. When you were singing on the plane did it feel like the wedding singer? One love,one God, one way.
