Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Introduction: Who let the cat out?

To write a blog once was a meaningful expression with instant feedback but when myspace died so did my wrightings.  I tried to start blogging on my own site but wordpress always felt tedious to me and I always forgot my password.  I'm hoping this could be a cool bridge between facebook and a blog.  I know some of you might not be able to comment if you're not a blogger.  So if you're on fb please leave comments there.

I have a really awesome ability at starting things.  So, this is gonna be a sweet start.  It'll probably kind of feel like it's not going anywhere at some point and then all of a sudden I'll post something.  I often have words predicting what's going to happen so expect this one to happen.

My dad grew up on a farm in Iowa.  That's so different than me.  Yet we are a lot alike.  He is really funny and creative.   One time he farted so loud the cat took off sprinting from the very back room of the house leaping out the cat door.  I think I was about eleven so I thought that was hilarious.  Oh wait, I still do.  He's had finer moments I guess but that one always comes up as most creative for some reason.  How else would you get the cat outside without getting up?

I love mexican food.  I sometimes wonder if I'm mexican.  I eat so much mexican food the percentage of my body weight reading would be in spanish.  So yes, I guess I am mexican at times.  I'm never chinese for too long.

Anyways this blog has gotten really dirty and I'm sorry.  But you kept reading it this far so you must like it.  Or maybe you're just being nice?  In which case I won't burden you much longer but I will leave you with this photo I took down the street and thought:

In the distance and in this instance is your future.

Vision give us direction.

Actually seeing something come to life gives us hope.

If you're still thinking dirty things it is not my fault.  You are the guilty one.  But for real, I'm excited because I feel like I have direction and a vision.  Things are coming to life like my bands CD.  I'm painting a sunrise with the words I wright.  Each moment and person shapes us.  Surround yourself with love and grow!


  1. Glad you're writing again. :-) Now I'm feeling inspired, but have to find some time in which to blog...

  2. Posted at 2:40am. Wow, late night man.
    I enjoyed reading your blog. I definitely laughed out loud. Its cool to hear the down to earth thoughts of my favorite artist. Funny and uplifting:) A Proverb that is stuck in my mind at all times is Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision, my people cast off restraint."
    Im so thankful for divine vision in life because it gives me the ability to weigh that into the decisions I make every day..that contribute to tomorrow and eternity.
    Thanks for your insight, Paul.
